Cruise Line travel for Registrants Please pass To ALL
We can give definitive information as to Registrant travel as it pertains to cruise lines.
RCL: To date, Royal Caribbean uses a "Security team" to review passenger data to determine who maybe a registrant. When discovered, the resistant
and their family are sent a letter requesting 1. Confirmation that the registrant has informed their reporting agency of intended travel 2. Detailed description
of charges and nature of registration 3. Discussion as to plans while on cruise.
So far, RCL has approved the plans of several registrants and their families.
CARNIVAL. To date, Carnival cancels all cruises of Registrants when they become aware of registrant's status. Many registrants have traveled with Carnival without
issue. However, that is apparently true only for registrants whose status is not apparent to Carnival. Carnival has also parceled out their security to a third vendor. Once registrant
status is determined, Carnival will black list that individual. This maybe an avenue for a lawsuit but that will be worked later.
So far no problems with other cruiselines.
We will add this to the TravelMatix
Please feel free to call 24/7
Paul Rigney
Registrant Travel Action Group, Inc