Recidivism Studies
1) Document Title: A Model of Static and Dynamic Sex Offender Risk Assessment
Author: Robert J. McGrath, Michael P. Lasher, Georgia F. Cumming
Document No.: 236217
Date Received: October 2011
Award Number: 2008-DD-BX-0013
This report has not been published by the U.S. Department of Justice.
Link to Report: https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/grants/236217.pdf
Re-arrest rate: 4.6% after 3-year follow-up
2) Document Title: Recidivism Of Sex Offenders Released From Prison 1994
By: Patrick A. Langan, Ph.D., Erica L. Schmitt and Matthew R. Durose
Statisticians, Bureau of Justice Statistics
Document Number: November 2003, NCJ 198281
Findings:A Study of 9,691 sex offenders released from prisons in 15 states in 1994 and followed for 3 years.
Sex Crime Re-arrest Rate: 5.3%
Sex Crime Re-conviction Rate: 3.5%
Link To Report: http://www.bjs.gov/content/pub/pdf/rsorp94.pdf
BY: Washington State Institute For Public Policy
Findings: Sex Crime Recidivism Rate: 2.7%
Link to Report: http://www.oncefallen.com/files/Washington_SO_Recid_2005.pdf
4) Document Title: Indiana's Recidivism Rates Decline for Third Consecutive Year
BY: Indiana Department of Correction 2009
The recidivism rate for sex offenders returning on a new sex offense was 1.05%, one of the lowest in the nation. In a time when sex offenders continue to face additional post-release requirements that often result in their return to prison for violating technical rules such as registration and residency restrictions, the instances of sex offenders returning to prison due to the commitment of a new sex crime is extremely low.
Findings: sex offenders returning on a new sex offense was 1.05%
Link to Report: http://www.in.gov/idoc/files/RecidivismRelease.pdf
5) Nebraska Sex Offender Recidivism Study
Sex offense recidivism. In comparing the old risk-based system of classification to the new offense-based system of classification, the former risk-based system resulted in less overall recidivism. Specifically, the pre-LB 285 classification system resulted in a 2-year recidivism rate of 1.7% and a 1-year recidivism rate of 0.6%. In comparison, the post-LB 285 classification system resulted in a 2-year recidivism rate of 2.6% and a 1-year recidivism rate of 1.7%. We also examined the effectiveness of each classification system in identifying offenders at the highest risk to reoffend. In general, the former system that utilized a psychological risk assessment tool consistently distinguished offenders who were at a high, medium,and low risk to reoffend. In comparison, the AWA system was very effective in distinguishing those at a high risk to reoffend from medium and low risk offenders.
However, the AWA classification system consistently failed to distinguish offenders at medium risk to recidivate from those at low risk to recidivate. Our findings suggest that, as an overall tool for identifying a nuanced risk to reoffend, the old risk-based system appears more effective. However, if the goal is simply to distinguish the highest risk offenders from everyone else, the Adam Walsh Act Tier system appears most effective. One caveat, however, is that this latter finding is in sharp contrast to published research on sex offenders in other states (Zgoba et al. 2012).
Complete Study: http://news.legislature.ne.gov/dist20/files/2013/08/NE_sex_offender_recidivism.pdf
6) Connecticut Recidivism Study 2012
7) Evidence Based V. Emotion Based Public Policy
February 2014 California:
A ground breaking analysis of the facts by CSOMB:
Fact-1: Residence restrictions would not of protected Jessica
Action: Use resources to enforce registration laws and prosecute the non-compliant. California registration law violations are largely felonies, and are mandated prison sentences, exempt from realignment local custody only sentences.
Action: Use resources for sex offender treatment, to influence what the offender does, not where he/she lives. Note: In the 2010 Legislative Session, ... ..Continued.. by California Sex Offender Management Board
Another list of recidivism studies can be found here.