The episode starts out with kids on bikes taking a dare if one will ride by men standing outside their homes in Glenport (Miracle) village. The kids stop the bikes in front of registrants.. the camera zooms in on the men, one by one, focusing on the kids with facial expressions that brings on fear to the children.
The episode begins with how society has been groomed regarding registrants: Fear. There is a killer in the town and seems only registrants are questioned. The social stigma of registrants increased. One tale added to the episode is that all registrants of the village have micro chips surgically implanted in there arms... Pleaseeeeee. SMH.
On one part of the episode the music of "fear" is played as teenage girls walk down the street..they split up as one go's into her house. Then a knock on the door..the girl answers as a man then pushes his way into the room as he grabs her while she screams. Fill the viewers full of must be a SEX OFFENDER!
BAU even had the pastor thinking these killings were his fault ,that they never would of happened if he had not opened the village.
What they did was push the myth of stranger danger in this episode.
And to those that watch criminal minds on a weekly basis know that the BAU team always takes their time and speaks with the killer, reasons with them to put the weapon down. But in this episode a member of the BAU team did not hesitate to put a bullet in the unsubs head..think about that.
And the killer, who made a false comment that registrants cannot be cured, was not a registrant.
Seems the killer was Matt, a teenage school mate many others knew. In fact a friend to some he killed. But some facts from the episode: The majority of registrants do not recidivate, it was a NON-registrant that committed the offense. (2) The sex offender registry does not protect the public. (3) Most sex offenses are committed by someone in the family or a close friend.
Criminal Minds Season 11 Episode 6 Review: Pariahville
Douglas Wolfe at November 5, 2015 1:06 am. Updated at November 5, 2015 5:34 am.
The profile was wrong!
The BAU may have established an erroneous profile before, but if they have, it doesn't come up in recent memory. Usually they're so good at what they do they can tell if you're lying when you say what you've had for breakfast.

Watch Criminal Minds Season 11 Episode 6 Online
The setting for Criminal Minds Season 11 Episode 6 was a little town called Glenport Village. That was significant because of its one unique characteristic: it mostly housed ex-convicts who were non-violent sex offenders.
The village seems to be a mirror of an actual real life place called Miracle Village, Florida. Like the fictional Glenport Village, Miracle Village also houses non-violent sex offenders, and was set up by a minister.
The story began with the murder of a woman who was dressed as a cheerleader, post-mortem. The setting was important because the first natural suspects would have been the town's many inhabitants.
The killer knew this, which is why he chose that locale. He knew the police and BAU would spend a lot of time spinning their wheels interviewing and investigating the multiple possible unsubs unique to that place.
The BAU initially profiled the unsub as an older man. He turned out to be much younger, and he knew some of the high school girls, including one that he murdered. And when the sheriff's daughter snuck out to go to a party, the unsub got his hands on her. Fortunately, she kept her head straight, and did her best to play along with him until the police arrived.
it was neat to see the police work done by Tara Lewis. She knew to keep Matt Franks talking so that he wouldn't kill the girl. And when he moved just a fraction away from her, she shot him dead.
That's unusual with this series. The BAU typically talks a long time with the unsubs of the show, even when they're armed and threatening and aren't holding anyone hostage. I have found myself shouting at the TV set "just shoot him already! You've got the target, and he isn't backing down!" But no, they just keep gabbing away until the unsub falls asleep from boredom.
This time Tara stepped up and followed what I imagine is correct police protocol.
Speaking of Tara Lewis: it looks as though she isn't going away, although we will see her less in the coming episodes. She has a job coordinating the reviews of every serial criminal in federal prison, but will still consult with the BAU from time to time. That's a good thing. I was hoping we wouldn't lose her, as she has meshed well with the team in the short time she's been with them.
Plus, it's Aisha Tyler – who wouldn't want her to stay on the show? She's a perfect fit.
The unsub was a little confusing. Given the fact he had murdered two women before grabbing Riley, you would have thought that his thing was absolute power, preferably over unwilling participants. So his behavior toward Riley when she pretended to go along with him didn't seem consistent. Suddenly he became a young guy with overactive hormones.
Speaking of Riley, it's always great when the writers paint the women in the show not as helpless victims but as strong people who have a plan to take care of themselves. Though she didn't succeed, Riley acquitted herself well. Maybe next time she'll listen to Dad and just stay home and do homework.
This was a thoughtful episode, and well written.
Final thoughts:
- JJ is back next week! She's now off maternity leave and is ready to go.
- Rossi's daughter is back too. It looks to be an exciting episode.
- The cool song at the beginning was "This World" by Selah Sue.
- As always, you can see this episode again when you watch Criminal Minds online.