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Citizens Against Government Entrapment (CAGE) Survey

  • 08 Apr 2021 5:17 PM
    Message # 10288923
    John (Administrator)

    My name is Kathleen Hambrick. Some of you know me by my blog name Lady Justice Myth. I became a member of this community on February 17th 2017 when my then twenty year old son was entrapped in Washington state. There police run a 'collars for dollars' scheme by the name of Net Nanny. It took me a year to understand, against my upbringing, that the police agenda had nothing to do with public safety in this case, it has everything to do with police funding. I am comforted, at this time, that police tactics and practices are having a long overdue moment under the microscope.

    After my year of confusion, my son was convicted of a police orchestrated, class A felony, victimless crime, and sent to prison with an indeterminate sentence, lifetime parole, and lifetime registration as a sex offender. At that point, with the death of life as I had imagined it to be, my advocacy started.

    Through the creation of my blog I have reached out to people across the nation who tell me similar stories. I have consistent readers here in the U.S., Canada, Ireland, England, Australia, India, and Poland, among other nations.

    Early in my journey I met two other local families with whom my advocacy efforts would be intertwined. They too had twenty year old sons stolen from them by police, and they too had to do something to fight this.

    Now in year four of this ordeal, we three families are the core of CAGE (Citizens against Government Entrapment). Our website is CAGE.fyi. We have had a New York Times article written about us, been interviewed on Dr. Phil, met with legislators, and are now moving toward changing the laws in Washington state.

    What I have found to be a major hurdle to my advocacy is not only that the police outright perjure themselves concerning these arrests, but that there are no current resources to refute these lies used to perpetuate this scam. As an example, when on the Dr Phil show, I asked an ICAC commander from California why the police do not search the homes of those arrested in police proactive sex stings, looking for other 'victims'. His answer was "We do". I only had the knowledge of a few cases, I could not effectively fight his lies without facts and statistics.

    I know there are thousands, maybe tens of thousands of victims, the innocent men, in these police proactive sex stings around the country. These men have been hushed by harassment, ostracization, fear mongering, and Cancel Culture.

    We at CAGE are dedicated to the abolition of government entrapment for sex 'thought' crimes. We are starting to make waves in WA state and looking to help with this issue on a national level. We need empirical data with which to fight the lies, deception, and purposeful manipulation created and perpetuated in defense of the proactive sex sting. The only way to get empirical data is from the source.

    I created this survey so that the data collected could be used in opposition to those who would feign public safety concerns, while lining their own pockets. The truth must come out. The next time I am confronted with a lie in defense of these practices, I hope to have survey results I can use to set the record straight.

    Please help us make a difference - for yourselves, your loved ones, and for those who have not yet been ensnared.  If you have been impacted by a sting operation,  please complete the survey for C.A.G.E.:


    For questions or additional information, I can be reached at 813-527-1751 or email LadyJusticeMyth@gmail.com

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