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  • 12 Sep 2023 9:20 AM | Anonymous member

    I would like to communicate with anyone who has a love one at FCI Elkton

  • 28 Dec 2017 10:21 AM | Anonymous

    For those not familiar with the above, it was adopted by the United Nations December 10, 1948, there were 58 founding members, the United States was one of those members?

    I am new to this site so if this has been brought up before I do apologize, but I did not see it? 

    It is not legally binding, it is geared more for international law and the US Supreme Court does not really recognize it, but it has some very important points to think about and consider.

    The first sentence in the Preamble  ". . .the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family . . "  The sad truth, perhaps we aren't considered a part of the human family?

    Article I All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. Maybe not?

    Article 3 Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person. Guess that would depend on your definition of life, liberty, security or even a person for that matter? Refer to Article I

    Article 4 No one shall be held in slavery or servitude . . once again, guess that depends on your definition of slavery or servitude?????

    Nuff said, you get the picture, it makes for an interesting read, if only someone would use it for the good of ALL human beings???

  • 04 Feb 2017 12:16 PM | Anonymous

    It is my opinion that sex offender registries are specifically designed to make a registrants life a living and totally absolute hell compliments of the federal, state and local governments, and just for fact they have absolutely zero good in protecting kids and vulnerable adults not to mention they don't protect the registrants and there families from vigilantes and other government harassment

  • 18 May 2016 12:34 PM | Anonymous

    I have a question I'm hoping someone can answer for me. My boyfriend was 19 and the girl was 15. They was a 4 year and 2 month age gap. Could he qualify for the Romeo and juliet law in Florida. We would like to petion the court's to remove his name from the registry. But not sure if the 2 month gap will hurt him. Has anyone gone through this?

  • 11 Mar 2016 4:34 PM | Anonymous

    Does anyone have any recommendations for a lobbyist in Minnesota? Our juvenile son was just required to register.

    Brief synopsis of the case:

    1. Issue sexting to 3 photos to one girl

    2. Charge - felony level distribution of child pornography 10 year registry requirement.

    3. Because the registration requirement moves to the lesser charge in a plea, we tried for a stay of adjudication.

    4. Judge denied because our 2/3rds of juveniles (in our county) can not complete treatment within 12 months. The average length of treatment is 16 months.

    5. Our son has had no previous offenses.


    The attorney said that the appeal process is not an option as the standard of review is "Abuse of Discretion".


    I'm looking for legal support to help in my lobbying efforts. I've talked with one state representative who was open to start the discussion with other representatives. 


    Thank you for your help.




  • 09 Nov 2015 1:02 PM | Vicki Henry

    This is a call for comments, presenters, organizers, advocates, conference producers:

    Your input is invited on a conceptual conference: Justice,
    Accountability, Knowledge, Equality -- JAKE 2016, info about which is
    posted to the Team Jake blog https://jake2016blog.wordpress.com/

    When you visit the site, please click the "current working overview
    and agenda" link (in the 2nd paragraph) to download the 2-page PDF and
    read over it.

    If you see yourself having a role in the collaborative production of
    this conference, we look forward to hearing from you. Thanks for your
    time and attention.

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